Instructor & Trainer

Sorrento, British Columbia, Canada

True North Academy Website

35 years ago, I entered the group fitness instructor scene.

I found my people. From Step classes, team teaching to aerobi-thons, I was home and in my element.

As a Trainer of Fitness Leaders, a large portion of my journey has been in education, presenting and mentoring future fitness professionals. I am personally certified in some familiar brands like RIPPED, BOSU, TRX, and Zumba. As an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Specialist, I work with clients to achieve pain-free bodies.

Energy and clear cueing with multiple movement options is what you’ll experience in my online classes. My philosophy is to find something in movement that you are passionate about and encourage you to keep doing it.

I raised my learning challenge and gifted athlete son through hybrid education and now am blessed to travel my country and watch him play his sport of passion, basketball. As I grow my fitness business online, I am completing a property project, hiking, learning online business and living in the beautiful mountains of BC Canada.

My Upcoming Classes


Quote to live by:


Live life healthy, the return is priceless.

Fun Facts:

  • I'll take experience over income any day.

  • Technology fascinates me to no end.

  • I own a basketball team. (Ask me about it.)

Monthly Recurring Engage Fitness Collective Membership


There is no commitment. You may cancel at any time.

If you are connected with an instructor other than Kim, please message them directly to join.

Once you choose your subscription, complete payment, and sign our online waiver, you will receive your password to join any class on the schedule.



I had daily back pain for 10 years and could never figure out how to make it go away. After working with Kim for six months, I feel like a whole new person.  I can actually enjoy the group classes more now that I have no back pain.  I recommend Kim to anyone looking to escape body misery. - Michael


Kim is a great instructor. Her energy keeps me going the whole class.

- Sandra


I like Kim’s cueing style. She is easy to follow, so I enjoy her classes a lot.

- Gordon



